Help for Simulation

Performances < - > History. The performance and history matrix implement the idea of variation and selective retention. The History Matrix (on the right) is derived from the Performances (on the left). The Performances are generated by the History matrix. If V > 0, then the performances will also be some random variations. These variations will get incorporated back into the History, so the network will evolve.

Mouseover. Mouse over the Network of Action to see how it corresponds to the rows in the history matrix. When the mouse is over a node, it reveals only the links from that node, and the corresponding row in the history matrix.

Initial condition. You can start with either a "clean slate", where every action is connected to every other action, or a "formed routine", where there the actions are connected in a single path. When you switch this radio button, it will restart the simulation.

Pause/Play/Stop. Pause/Play or Stop the simulation with the green buttons. If you press Stop, you will re-initialize the simulation.

Evolution controls. You can control the evolution of the routine with two parameters. These can be changed while the simulation is running.

  • V = Variation (0 < V < 0.5). V is the probability that an event will be randomly changed.
  • R = Retention (1 < R < 30). R is the number of sequences that are incorporated in the history matrix. As you change R, the number of sequences shown in the Performances window (on the left) changes to match.

Red/Blue history matrix. The History matrix will change color depending on whether it is increasing or decreasing in complexity:

  • Red indicates an increase in complexity
  • Blue indicates a decrease in complexity